
We appreciate if you cite our ELM related publications, this will encourage to continue developing scikit-elm, please cite us:

Akusok A., Leal L.E., Björk KM., Lendasse A. (2021) Scikit-ELM: An Extreme Learning Machine Toolbox for Dynamic and Scalable Learning. In: Cao J., Vong C.M., Miche Y., Lendasse A. (eds) Proceedings of ELM2019. ELM 2019. Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, vol 14. Springer, Cham.

Other ELM papers by the same authors

Akusok A., Leal L.E., Björk KM., Lendasse A. (2021) High-Performance ELM for Memory Constrained Edge Computing Devices with Metal Performance Shaders. In: Cao J., Vong C.M., Miche Y., Lendasse A. (eds) Proceedings of ELM2019. ELM 2019. Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, vol 14. Springer, Cham.

Espinosa-Leal L., Akusok A., Lendasse A., Björk KM. (2021) Website Classification from Webpage Renders. In: Cao J., Vong C.M., Miche Y., Lendasse A. (eds) Proceedings of ELM2019. ELM 2019. Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, vol 14. Springer, Cham.

Literature About ELM

  • Something practical from GBH

  • Something theoretical

  • Some websites